Disdolen Codeine
Disdolen codeine
Disdolen Codeine with fosfosal. When you buy Disdolen Codeine with fosfosal, each bag of effervescent powder contains 30 mg codeine phosphate and 1200 mg. fosfosal. Disdolen Codeine, comes in packs of 30 bags and is manufactured by Grupo Uriach.Disdolen Codeine directions
Disdolen Codeine is a combination of fosfosal, an acetylsalicylic derivate, and codeine. Disdolen Codeine is often prescribed for muscle skeletal pain, joint pain, migraine, posttraumatic pain, postsurgical pain and menstrual pain.Fosfosal has both an antiinflammatory and an analgesic effect. Fosfosal lacks the negative effect on ulcer and hemmorea, which is common in this type of medicine.
Codeine phosphate is a centrally acting analgesic used for the relief of mild to moderately severe pain. Doses used to relief pain is one bag of Disdolen Codeine every four to six hours not to exceed three bags in any 24 hours.
Common side effects include nausea, constipation, itching, or confusion. Tolerance of or dependence on codeine may develop with regular use.
When you buy Disdolen Codeine online, the order will be shipped using the postal services.