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Pregnyl, Gonadotropin additional information

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Common uses

Human chorionic gonadotropin, HCG, is a polypeptide hormone produced by the human placenta. Pregnyl is a highly purified pyrogen-free preparation obtained from the urine of pregnant females.

Pregnyl, gonadotropin, mimics the action of the pituitary hormone luteinising hormone (LH) which controls the release of eggs from the ovary in women, and controls production of testosterone in men. Pregnyl is used to stimulate egg release in some infertile women after follicle development has been stimulated with follicle stimulating hormone. In men it is used in the management of delayed puberty, undescended testes and oligospermia (low sperm count).

Athletes use HCG to increase the body's own natural production of testosterone which is often depressed by long term steroid use.


Pregnyl comes in vials containing 2500 IU (+ vials with solvent) of gonadotropin, HCG, to be taken by intramuscular injection.

When administered intramuscularly, gonadotropin causes ovulation to occur. Pregnyl is administered when your physician feels appropriate stimulation criteria have been reached. In certain cases of over-response, the injection may be withheld.

If you do not conceive, Pregnyl may be given again in the next menstrual cycle. However, treatment cycles are not always consecutive, as therapy is individualized for each patient.

Therapy may continue for as long as six cycles, after which time other options may be discussed with you.

For male athletes it is of interest that, when administered, HGC raises serum testosterone very quickly. Gonadotropin therapy is very effective in the prevention of testicular atrophy and to use the body?s own biochemical stimulating mechanisms to increase plasma testosterone level during training.

The optimal dosage for an athlete using HCG has never been established, but it is thought that a single shot of 1000 to 2000 IU per week will get the desired results.

Cycles on HCG should be kept down to three weeks at a time with an off cycle of at least a month in between. For example, one may use gonadotropin for two to three weeks in the middle of a cycle, and for two or three weeks at the end of a cycle.


Pregnyl should not be used by individuals with asthma, by boys who have not yet reached puberty or by individuals with decreased kidney function, epilepsy, heart failure or by individuals who are in the treatment of migraine.

There is no information available regarding the safety of Pregnyl during breastfeeding.

Possible side effects

Pregnyl may be associated with both minor as well as serious, life-threatening side effects and other potential risks. The following are some, but not all, of the potential side effects/concerns that you should discuss with your doctor before beginning treatment.

An injection of Pregnyl can cause pain at the injection site, as well as headache, irritability, restlessness, depression, fatigue, and swelling due to retention of fluid.

A concern with fertility drugs is the risk of multiple pregnancies. About 80% of pregnancies, following fertility drug treatments with products like Pregnyl result in single births. In instances of multiple pregnancies, the majority are twins. However, three or more babies may be conceived. Your physician should discuss the risk of multiple births with you before you begin your treatments.

Be sure to discuss with your doctor side effects and any other concerns associated with your treatment prior to beginning therapy.

For athletes it may be of interest that the prolonged use of HCG could repress the body's own production of gonadotropins permanently, why short cycles are recommended.

Side effects from HCG use include gynecomastia, water retention, increased sex drive, mood alterations, headaches and high blood pressure.

HCG raises androgen levels in males by up to 400% but it also raises estrogen levels dramatically which can cause a real case of gynecomastia if dosages get too elevated.

Another side effect seen from HCG use is morning sickness (nausea and vomiting).


There have been no cases of overdose complications with the use of HCG nor have there been any associated carcinomas, liver or renal impairment.

Additional information

Keep Pregnyl in a tightly closed container and out of reach of children. Pregnyl must be refrigerated after it is mixed together whereafter Pregnyl has a life of about 10 weeks.


The above information is intended to supplement, not substitute for, the expertise and judgment of your physician, or other healthcare professional. It should not be construed to indicate that use of Pregnyl is safe, appropriate, or effective for you. Consult your health care professional before you buy Pregnyl, Gonadotropin.